Healing Palette

An artist’s palette holds the colours of creation, inspiration, imagination and intuition which bring a canvas to life.
At Healing Palette, we enhance life with a rainbow of healing colours; using a variety of healing modalities and therapeutic tools to release and cleanse the blocked energies in the Body, Mind and Soul.

Life limiting patterns, repressed emotions, fears and mental blocks affect both the Psyche and the Soma (Mind and Body), which can cause disharmony and dissonance between our internal and external worlds, leaving us exhausted, sad, depressed, angry, unable to cope with a variety of negative emotions.

Healing Palette empowers you to flip the old model of pessimism to a new model of complete optimism, where unwanted patterns of life are replaced with desired goals and cherished destinations. The moment the root causes of traumas, fears and phobias are identified through therapy, it becomes wonderfully easy to heal through the newfound awareness of ‘why’ those traumas have manifested in your life in the first place.

Healing Palette helps you to release all the unwanted emotional and mental baggage by working with your subconscious mind; where the reasons for all unhealed traumas exist. We facilitate you, with multiple healing modalities, to identify the unhealed root causes of the traumas. We help you to release the festering emotions or stagnant energies associated with the blocked facets of your life. When you surrender to this mode of subconscious mind therapy and welcome change, negative cell memories are neutralised, creating a new positive vibration in your body, mind and soul, both subconsciously and consciously.

When you welcome and align to the transformative energies of Self work, guided by a professional therapist who holds sacred space for you, you are truly giving yourself a chance to no pain, either physical or emotional, needs to remain unresolved. YOU can change your Universe and understand your life path better.

So why wait ? Choose to heal and empower yourself dear Soul.


Founder Sabari Chakraborty

Sabari Chakraborty is a Past Life Regression Therapist trained and certified by Dr. Brian Weiss (USA) and an Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist trained and certified by the California Hypnosis Institute of India (Mumbai).  Sabari is also a Life Between Lives Regression therapist, the only one in India, who has been trained and certified by the Michael Newton Institute, (USA). In fact, Sabari has taught Life Between Lives Therapy in the USA and Australia. 
In her integrated healing practice, Sabari uses Inner Child Therapy (trained by Trisha Caetano), EFT (trained by Dr. Paula Horan), and Metaphor therapy (working with visual and verbal metaphors).
Sabari also uses Usui Reiki and energy healing tools.
Sabari’s lifelong passion has been Vedic Astrology and she started dabbling in it when she was 15 years old. She proceeded to receive guidance and knowledge from 3 famous Gurus of Vedic Astrology and now gives Vedic Astro readings which help one to align with their life paths.
Sabari Chakraborty on her Spiritual Journey:
“As far back as I can remember, I have been a Seeker. The question “what lies on the other side of my current reality”, has always fascinated me. Stories from ancient Hindu and Vedic texts, explanations of the seven Astral Planes, and experiences of Yogis, were all a staple in my childhood, thanks to my grandparents who shared their knowledge liberally and creatively with me. This ‘illusory’ world fascinated me more than my real world. At the time, I did not know that all of these were preparatory stages my soul was going through before it could finally manifest as a Healer.
As I grew up, I began reading books on Metaphysics and dabbled in Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, and Reiki in a bid to unlock the subtler mysteries of the Universe. I found that people, even strangers, could unburden or share their problems with me easily. Some facet of me soothed them or perhaps helped them find answers. And thus, I became somewhat of a ‘Dear Diary’ to people … a phase which continues to this day.
I have sought far and wide, met Siddhas, and had life-changing experiences in temples of healing and spiritual phenomena which have continued to enhance my Journey along the way. 
My own Ascended Master, Meherbaba, came to me in 1997 during a particularly difficult period in my life. That experience provided me with a huge shift in consciousness, where Meherbaba unveiled dimensions that I, until then, had only had fleeting glimpses of. Meherbaba now channels his guidance and his healing energies in my own healing/therapy sessions.
My erstwhile career, which spans 17 years as a Director, Producer, and Writer in the Media, has been a passionate and fulfilling journey. In 2007, I got the intense sensation that there is something more that I needed to do … something deeper that I needed to be a part of … something that goes beyond the stints of ‘social work’ I had done time and again. I felt an inner calling to become a Healer. And as my intent went out into the Universe, synchronicity took over. One incident led to another, according to a larger divine plan, and I enrolled myself in a course that taught Past Life Regression Therapy which was conducted in the USA by the eminent Regression Therapist, Dr. Brian Weiss. Meeting him was great, the professional training was fantastic and the answers which my soul got there were life-changing.
That started my journey as a Regression Therapist. After many knowledge upgrades and studying with Masters from around the world, I started my career as a therapist/healer in Mumbai, 12 years ago.
Thousands of clients later, I still find absolute fulfillment in the work that I do and I am eternally grateful the Universe continues to allow me to do this work with grace and joy.
Life and my clients continue to be my Teachers.

Why Heal?

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. 
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
 ~ Lao Tzu  
I wonder how many of us are truly living in the present. We receive traumas, big and small, on an almost daily basis, through personal situations or through the digital media beaming out bad news constantly. These pressures can create a tangled web of negative emotions in our minds, which can hinder our Self-growth, keeping us busy dealing with anxieties and frustrations. 
We all are spiritual beings having a human experience, on a journey of soul evolvement as we live out our human lives on planet Earth. Many a time there appear roadblocks in this all-important soul journey of ours … road blocks which manifest as confusion, diseases, and disharmony in every aspect of the Self. Consequently, we are left feeling depressed, anxious, and depleted of our energies.
We tend to wonder about the eternal ‘what … where … how … why … when did we go wrong?’ 


Healing the Self is really about taking a deep look within to find the answers to these questions. Asking ourselves “Why do I need to heal?” If the answer to that question is that I need to heal because I choose no dis-ease or depression or disturbance in my life, then rest assured you have just experienced a major breakthrough, which will align you to your path to self-discovery.
“Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic – every bit of it. No exceptions. There is nothing that cannot be reoriented to Well-Being. But it does take the determination that you are going to put your thoughts upon something that feels good.”
~ Abraham Hicks
Hence, what really needs healing is our mind … the source of all thoughts, emotions, and feelings. When we can put aside our egos and accept 100% responsibility for all the negative things in our lives, we move out of denial and step into healing. Once the decision to heal is taken, the Law of Attraction takes over and through our intent gives us the therapeutic experience we desire.
The key to healing oneself is to just allow our positive life force, which is already within, to manifest and express itself without any blocks or fears.
And without the manifestations or creations of roadblocks, our self-journey is richer, easier, and much more fulfilling.
So start your journey of empowering yourself.

Aura Cleansing

We are flowing energy, our thoughts are flowing energy and we are more than just our physical bodies. Aura is the electromagnetic field around our physical body, which comprises 7 energy bodies. They are:
  1. The Physical Body
  2. The Etheric Body
  3. The Emotional Body
  4. The Astral Body
  5. The Mental Body
  6. The Spiritual Body
  7. The Causal Body
Each Auric body has its own frequency and is like a “soul” signature of our beings. These energy bodies are vitally important as they protect us physically, emotionally, and mentally. Any imbalance in these bodies affects our Chakras or energy centers and a block in the flow of energies leads to stress, anxiety, and finally illness. In fact, an illness or disease first comes into the Auric space and if unattended or cleansed, finally reaches the physical body.
Our Aura space can open up for a variety of reasons. A head injury opens up the Aura immediately. Psychotropic medications, which are anti-anxiety, anti-depression, or other mood-altering drugs can open up the Aura. Drug abuse, even grass and hash, and other recreational drugs open up the Aura. A lot of alcohol, especially when locomotion is affected, also opens up the auric space. When we operate for a long time from negative vibrations, like anger, resentment, fear, guilt, etc., the various energy bodies get affected and the Aura opens up. And when the Aura space is open, dead, and stagnant, external negative energies, enter our energy space and deplete us of our soul energy. Alien energies can also cause us to behave “differently”, causing pain to Self and others.
Aura appears invisible to the naked eye, though clairvoyants can see it. It is absolutely essential to keep this auric space clean so that the energies are flowing without any blocks and in turn, strengthen our spiritual, and psychic abilities and our inner consciousness.

Inner Child Healing & Integration of Soul Fragments

Every adult has an “Inner Child” within. Parts of us that were wounded in childhood, fragmented pieces of Self. Inner Children are formed when a child perceives that he or she is not nourished, loved, or nurtured in the formative childhood years. The fragmentation of a child’s self happens because of various forms of abuse – sexual, physical, and emotional. The feeling of victimhood, the child had perceived, is usually carried forward into adulthood, and if no resolution or healing happens of these inflictions, then it creates huge dysfunctions in the belief system of the adult.
Unhealed Inner Children create deep anger, resentment, grief, passive aggression, and a tendency to self-sabotage, as an adult. These inflictions result in feelings of abandonment and neglect, which then develop into feelings of loneliness and unworthiness, lack of self-belief, and underlying insecurity of being abandoned again as an adult. On the flip side, the adult may not know how to accept love or affection or how to love and show affection back, which results in low self-worth, sadness, and more dysfunctional relationships.
Through Inner Child Therapy, a safe space is created for the “hidden” Inner Child to the surface, identify the source of the trauma from the subconscious mind, and heal it with love and inner wisdom. The adult (the client) becomes the “parent” to the wounded Inner Child and with a lot of love and acceptance helps the child to release the soul-crushing burden. And the healed Inner Child is then integrated into the adult, enabling a journey from fragmentation to completeness.
Sabari Chakraborty has studied with an internationally known pioneer in Inner Child Therapy, Trisha Caetano, and Sabari has very successfully done and doing a lot of Inner Child Integration work with hundreds of people, enabling them to operate as functional, well-adjusted human beings.
Below are some problems associated with unhealed Inner Child:
  1. Weight Problems.
  2. Addictions.
  3. Low Self-esteem.
  4. Destructive Anger.
  5. A pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships, especially with parents and partners.
  6. Fear of the Future.
  7. Self-Sabotage.
  8. Passive Aggression.
  9. Fear of loss and abandonment.

Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a state of ‘altered awareness’ where a person can access his or her Subconscious Mind and connect with long-buried memories and perceptions which might be the root cause of unexplained traumas and negative patterns in life. Acknowledging, accepting, and then healing the root cause of all these problems, releases the trauma of the problem and the problem is hardly ever repeated thereafter.
Clinical Hypnotherapy effectively addresses
  1. Weight Loss
  2. Smoking
  3. Alcohol Addiction
  4. Food Addiction
  5. Drug Addiction (through a sustained long-term treatment)
  6. Phobias (for eg., of Heights, Water, Enclosed spaces, Animals, Darkness, etc.)
  7. Fears
  8. Grief and Fear of loss
  9. Depression
  10. Fear of Public Speaking
  11. Speech Deficiencies
  12. Low self-confidence
  13. Dysfunctional Belief Systems and Relationships
  14. Money problems
  15. Migraines
  16. Allergies and Asthma
  17. PCOD and Menstrual problems
  18. Physical aches and pains
  19. Deep-seated Anger
  20. Sexual impairments.
  21. And most other blocks which come from deep-rooted fears in the subconscious mind.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Many religions, especially the Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains, believe that our souls are part of the Parambrahma or the Supreme Consciousness. Souls journey through various lifetimes, to experience the Cosmic illusion, or what Hindus call “Maya”. After learning through every facet of consciousness, taking “birth” in different bodies, in different schools in the Galaxy, they merge back into The Supreme Consciousness. Souls continue their higher vibrational work, when not in a body as well, from the Spirit world, our real home.


Past Life Regression Therapy is becoming very popular as a healing modality worldwide for its effectiveness in unblocking blocked energies from past lifetimes.
Past Life Regression makes it possible for us to experience and review our forgotten lifetimes and identify the causes for these blocks which exist in our current lifetime, thereby enabling us to heal these blocked energies and unhealed traumas. This therapy is quick, effective, and full of awareness when one understands the context of one’s life-limiting patterns from the perspective of an unhealed Past Life.

Life Between Lives TM

Life Between Lives™ (LBL) Hypnotherapy is the most profound spiritual journey that we can take while still in our earthly physical bodies. This advanced technique was developed by Dr. Michael Newton for over 30 years of detailed and painstaking work to enable clients to take themselves to a Superconscious state where ‘between lives’ soul memories can be accessed.
Through LBL we can experience our trip back “home” into the spirit world – our life as a soul, meeting our personal guides, knowing and joining back with our soul group members, understanding which level of growth our souls are currently in, and the lessons we have to learn to progress more. During the regression one can get the answers to life’s most difficult and challenging questions:
Why am I here? What is my life purpose? Have I met my soul mate yet?
What is the spirit world like? Why did I choose such a difficult life this time?
Is there Life after Death?
Anyone seeking a spiritual overview, a deeper understanding of one’s own existence. If we choose incarnations in physical planes to live out Karma through challenging situations, what happens to us when we are not incarnating in physical bodies? What does our eternal soul experience in between lifetimes?
Opening up to the experience of one’s own soul consciousness in detail is life-changing and often has the power to give one answers to life’s “big questions”. However, it is recommended NOT to have a Life Between Lives™ experience when one is going through severe emotional and mental stress. It’s best to go through healing/therapy to treat the trauma and then prepare for an LBL session.
Sabari Chakraborty is the first and only Therapist from India, who has been trained and certified by the Newton Institute. To see her profile on the Newton Institute website click here.
To read up more on Life Between Lives™ Hypnotherapy click here.
So if you feel drawn to know what your eternal soul character is, which has shaped your choices in this lifetime, it is wonderfully enlightening and liberating to go through this Life Between Lives™ Hypnotherapy.

Astro Therapy

Understanding Life Path and Soul Path through Vedic Astrology.
Jyotish- Jyot means Light and Ish means Ishwar which is the highest consciousness or God. So Jyotish or Vedic Astrology is considered the Light of God which lights up the journey of life, for us humans.
Vedic astrology gives us guidance to our karmas in this lifetime and also possibilities of how we can aspire to be the best,
 both personally and professionally.
Astrology comes from the Vedas, the over 5,000 years old body of knowledge that came from an oral tradition of transferring knowledge, hence also called Shrutti or Auditory.
Vedic astrology is a Vedanga, one of the limbs which form the Vedas.
Jyotish is a very deep esoteric science. The creators of Jyotish have often spoken/written in codes, so that a deserving person, after dedicated and concentrated study, can start deciphering some of the codes and help humanity with the dissemination of the deep knowledge of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Where they were placed at the moment of a person’s birth, has a huge significance for the soul incarnating on Earth school.
I have been studying and dabbling in Vedic Astrology since I was 15 years old. My passion also led me to study allied things like palmistry and face reading. I have also been blessed with Gurus in my life journey who have strewn my path with golden nuggets of wisdom and helped me grow and dig deeper into worlds unknown.
I am offering Astro-karmic one-on-one readings by appointment only. These readings will highlight the reason you were born in this lifetime, understanding your karmic knots and how to un-knot them and choose the path of self-growth.
For appointments please write to me at sabari.chakraborty@gmail.com or Whatsapp me on 9821542150


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